Gallery Project:
Showcase of APIDA Figures

AAST394 Growing Up Asian American: The Asian Immigrant Family and The Second Generation
Instructor: Dr. Yeram Cheong, Fall 2021

About the Project
For this semester-long project, students selected an Asian American figure (e.g., civil leader, community organizer, artist, actress/actor, musician, athlete, poet, academic scholar, etc.) who has made a significant contribution to promoting the wellness of the Asian American and/or Asian immigrant communities in the United States. Students researched about this individual, connected the information and stories to a theme/topic covered in this course, and crafted a “poster” (or other form of a visual aid, such as an infographic, art piece, scrapbook-style poster, or graphic novel) to present in class. The purpose of this project was to introduce their Asian American figure to fellow peers and share their findings by incorporating theories, concepts, terminologies they had learned in this course. 

“Roger Shimomura and the Art of the Asian American Identity”

By Meera Barochia

 I chose Roger Shimomura, an American visual artist, as my AAPI figure for my gallery project. My project incorporates many of his artworks and is meant to metaphorically represent how his art ties together a part of the Asian American experience. The poster itself is composed of woven pieces of paper, which in one conformation only show half the picture, but when you slide the pieces together, reveal the entire image[s]. When the images are revealed, the information on the back of the poster is also made visible. Since I made a physical poster, I took images of it and put them in a google slides. The information is a bit difficult to see, so I have included it below each image, along with my references. 

“Michelle Zauner: Writer, Singer, Director, Griever”

By Vi Le, Elizabeth Hsu, Vivian Le, and Sara Wiatrak 

Zauner is a biracial musician and director who earned a reputation as an author following the publication of her story in Crying in H-Mart, a book recounting her struggle with grasping her Korean identity and turning to Korean food after her Korean mom's death. Being from a mixed-race background--her father being white--we touched on the various aspects and intersectionality of her identities that round her out as a celebrity and also a human being.

“Yuko Shimizu: Advancing Art and Activism”

By Vincent Lan 

Because Yuko got her start with manga and frequently provides the art for comic book covers, I chose to present Yuko's work in a graphic novel. The graphic novel uses her art to tell the Yuko's story of leaving the Japanese corporate world to pursue her dreams of being an illustrator in New York City, while also highlighting her contributions to the Asian American community. All of the art is hers, except my creation of the narrator and guide: Osborn. 

"Jeremy Lin: Asian Representation in Basketball"

By Vannak Lim, Kianna Chow, and Vyas Gupta

Our poster is a one-page infographic about Jeremy Lin's life and his effect on the AAPI community, along with challenges he has faced along the way. The best way to navigate is to zoom in to 90% and scroll through the presentation.

"Vera Wang: Asian American Representation in the Fashion Industry"

By Grace Kim, Winnie Liang, and Michelle Nguyen

Vera Wang is a prime example of an Asian American woman who followed her own dreams, ignoring the standards set by society around her as an Asian American woman. Through her wedding dresses to her capsule collections, Vera Wang shows both acculturation and biculturalism in her designs, drawing from both her Chinese heritage and American culture. Breaking the model minority stereotype and the glass ceiling, Vera Wang is a key figure in Asian American representation through fashion. All the quotes are from her during various interviews, all of which are cited in the references.

“Iko Uwais: Fighting for Asian Representation in Cinema"

By Akmal Mustofa and Rohan Shah

Indonesian martial artist, choreographer, and actor Iko Uwais is considered a "fighter" not just because of his extraordinary talent on screen, but his progressive contributions to AAPI representation off camera. The success of his breakout film The Raid has allowed him to get exposure for Hollywood movie directors, eventually landing him roles in films such as Star Wars The Force Awakens, and GI Joe, Origins. Our poster explores the contributions he has for the Asian American community, along with qualities of Uwais as a role model for others aspiring to succeed in the industry. Our gallery poster is in the form of an infographic.

" Mindy Kaling: Asian American Representation in Media" 

By Kartik Saini

Best known for her role on the show The Office, Mindy Kaling is an actress, writer, producer, showrunner, author, and single mother. Starting off as the only person of color and the only woman on the writing staff of The Office, Mindy has used her unique perspective to help tell stories of Asian Americans that differ from the stereotypes that are normally associated with them. As a success story in the media industry, Kaling serves as inspiration to aspiring Asian American performers, writers, and showrunners. Click around in the "Known For" section to discover some of Kaling's work!