Dr. Janelle Wong, AAST Director, Publishes Op-Ed in L.A. Times on Affirmative Action and Asian Americans
On Wednesday, June 14, Dr. Janelle Wong, AAST Director, published an Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times with Viet Thanh Nguyen titled, “Opinion: Affirmative action isn’t hurting Asian Americans. Here’s why that myth survives.”
The Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action, focusing on whether Harvard’s consideration of race in admissions intentionally discriminates against Asian Americans, is expected this month. A big part of our research has been to identify anti-Asian discrimination, so we understand how charges that Asian Americans are held to a higher standard in college admissions might feel like another instance of anti-Asian bias. But we just don’t see an Asian American penalty in college admissions.
Read the full article here!