Asian American Studies Program Shares in $500K National Science Foundation Grant for Extensive Survey of Asian Americans in the United States

Asian Americans are the fastest-growing racial group in the United States, but despite their rapid growth and remarkable diversity, Asian Americans remain an understudied group whose experiences and attitudes are not reflected in national polls. To address this gap, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a multi-campus team of researchers, including the University of Maryland, a $507,132 grant to undertake the most extensive study of Asian Americans to date.
The team includes Janelle Wong, professor of American Studies and director of the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Maryland; Karthick Ramakrishnan, associate dean of public policy and professor of political science at UC Riverside; Jennifer Lee, professor of sociology at UC Irvine; and Taeku Lee, professor of political science and law at UC Berkeley.
“Funding from the National Science Foundation shows that research on Asian Americans is becoming more of a national priority,” said Professor Wong, co-principal investigator on the project. Read more about the grant and the project.
