Introducing Asian American Studies Postdoctoral Fellow K. Anh Do

The Asian American Studies Program welcomes postdoctoral fellow Anh Do to the University of Maryland!

Anh's focus is on working with people to promote healthy families and communities by recognizing and developing their strengths.  She believes that every person deserves a healthy environment to live in and to thrive.  Anh brings an interdisciplinary perspective with her background in ethnic studies, psychology, and family studies.  Her specific interests include Asian/ Asian American immigrant and refugee families.  She explores how identity, family, and community relationships intersect to influence positive development and well-being.  Anh enjoys traveling to broaden her perspective on human resiliency worldwide and bringing these experiences back into the classroom.

Anh will be teaching AAST498J "Asian American Identities, Families, and Communities" in Fall 2016.
