UMD School of Public Health- Open Dialogue: Supporting Asian and Asian American People

When: Friday, April 2, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Where: Virtual


Description: Join the School of Public Health and campus partners for a conversation on confronting anti-Asian rhetoric and violence and discussing how we can support our Asian and Asian American colleagues, neighbors and community members.

We will also provide time for people to share feelings and reactions to the ongoing trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd.

Invited speakers:
Dr. Richard Shin, Associate Professor, UMD Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
Dr. Carlton Green, Director, UMD ODI Diversity Training and Education

Brian Medina, Program Manager, Bias Incident Support Services (BISS)
Erin McClure, Diversity Officer, UMD School of Public Health

This event is sponsored by the School of Public Health in coordination with our campus listed partners AND all from campus are welcome to join.

Contact: School of Public Health 301-405-2438

Topical Areas: Faculty and Staff, Open to Public, Students, Community Engagement, Free, Diversity and Inclusion, Multicultural, School of Public Health, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
