AAST394 Gallery Project: Showcase of AAPI Figures

Gallery Project: Showcase of AAPI Figures
AAST394 Growing Up Asian American: The Asian Immigrant Family and the Second Generation
Instructor: Dr. Yeram Cheong, Spring 2021

For this semester-long project, students selected an Asian American figure (e.g., civil leader, community organizer, artist, actress/actor, musician, athlete, poet, academic scholar, etc.) who has made a significant contribution to promoting the wellness of the Asian American and/or Asian immigrant communities in the United States. Students researched about this individual, connected the information and stories to a theme/topic covered in this course, and crafted a “poster” (or other form of a visual aid, such as an infographic, video, or 3D interactive gallery) to present virtually to the class. The purpose of this project was to introduce their Asian American figure to fellow peers and share their findings by incorporating theories, concepts, terminologies they had learned in this course.

Gallery Project: Showcase of AAPI Figures
