Posts in event
AAST Celebrates Its Minors and Scholarship Recipients

On May 3, 2018, the Asian American Studies Program proudly recognized 19 students who completed the AAST minor this academic year (2017-2018). Additionally, the program recognized five students who are named recipients of 2018-2019 Asian American Studies scholarships: The Timothy J Ng Scholarship in Asian American Studies, The Linh-Thong Huu Nguyen Memorial Scholarship, and The Major General Antonio Taguba Profiles in Courage and Leadership Scholarship.

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Open Classroom: AAST498I

Join AAST498I students in engaging with local and national leaders in the Asian American & Pacific Islander community. Learn about relevant issues and expand your network!

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Lecture by Asian American civil rights activist and performer, Nobuko Miyamoto.

In 1973, together with Chris Iijima and Charlie Chin, Nobuko Miyamoto created the first album of Asian American music, "A Grain of Sand," now part of the Smithsonian Institution collection.  The album has been hailed as the soundtrack of the Asian American Movement. Since 1978, Miyamoto has been Artistic Director of Great Leap, Inc., a non-profit arts organization which uses the arts to promote deeper understanding between the diverse cultures of America.

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Labor, Migration, Households, and Reproducing the "Transnational Housewife"

Dr. Amy Bhatt examines how family formation, marriage and reproduction allow temporary Indian migrants to make claims on the U.S. state even though they are classified as "non-immigrant" workers who are expected to return to their home country of India. Using ethnographic and online evidence, Dr. Bhatt examines how reproduction becomes a strategy for renegotiating the value of national citizenship in the face of neoliberal immigration and labor policies.

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